Being left by a partner
Feeling alone, abandoned
Sadness, fear
To cling
Tightness in chest, crying
"I'm not lovable."
Seek support from loved ones, talk to a therapist
Desperate attempts to reconnect, stalking
Seek support from loved ones, talk to a therapist
Being discriminated against because of age
Feeling undervalued, disrespected
Anger, sadness
To prove them wrong
Tightness in chest, frustration
"I'm not too old for this."
Challenge ageist stereotypes, focus on strengths
Working harder, staying active
Challenge ageist stereotypes, focus on strengths
Public speaking
Avoiding social events
To escape
Sweaty palms, trembling
"I'm going to embarrass myself."
Practice relaxation techniques, visualize success
Isolating oneself
Practice relaxation techniques, visualize success
Being deceived, lied to, or cheated on
Anger, hurt, sadness, disappointment, distrust
"I can't believe they did this to me.", "I'll never trust anyone again.", "I was so stupid to trust them."
Allowing oneself to feel and
To withdraw, to seek revenge, to confront the betrayer
Isolating oneself, plotting revenge, confronting the betrayer
Chronic work stress
Feeling emotionally drained, disengaged
To quit
Fatigue, lack of motivation
"I don't care anymore."
Take a break, talk to a manager, seek therapy
Neglecting work, calling in sick frequently
Take a break, talk to a manager, seek therapy
Starting a new job
Feeling uncertain, anxious
To resist
Increased heart rate, sweaty palms
"I won't be able to do this."
Focus on what can be controlled, seek support from colleagues, set small goals
Procrastinating, self-sabotage
Focus on what can be controlled, seek support from colleagues, set small goals
Disagreement, argument, tension with another person
Anger, frustration, anxiety, tension
"I can't stand this.", "They're wrong.", "I'm not going to back down."
Communicating assertively, practicing active listening, seeking compromise, considering mediation, taking a break to cool down
To fight, to avoid, to compromise
Arguing, withdrawing, finding a middle ground, seeking mediation
Receiving negative feedback, being judged
Shame, anger, hurt, frustration, defensiveness
"I'm not good enough.", "They're always criticizing me.", "I'm a failure."
Reflecting on the feedback, considering its validity, practicing self-compassion, communicating assertively if the criticism was unfair
To defend oneself, to withdraw, to prove them wrong
Arguing, avoiding the critic, overcompensating
Critique of Appearance
Receiving negative comments about one's looks, feeling unattractive
Shame, embarrassment, inadequacy, self-doubt, self-consciousness
"I'm ugly.", "I'm not good enough.", "No one will find me attractive."
Challenging negative thoughts, practicing self-acceptance, focusing on inner beauty, seeking support from loved ones or a therapist if needed
To hide, to change appearance, to seek reassurance
Avoiding social situations, excessive grooming, seeking validation from others
Being in debt
Feeling ashamed, trapped
To avoid
Tightness in chest, anxiety
"I'm never going to get out of this."
Create a debt repayment plan, seek professional help
Avoiding creditors, hiding from the problem
Create a debt repayment plan, seek professional help
Not getting the job
Ruminating on what went wrong
To give up
Tightness in chest, crying
"I'm not good enough."
Talk to a friend, practice self-compassion
Withdraw from social activities
Talk to a friend, practice self-compassion
Being treated rudely, talked down to, or ignored.
Arguing, withdrawing, feeling resentful.
Anger, frustration, hurt, disrespect.
To retaliate, to defend oneself.
Clenched fists, tense muscles, flushed face.
"I don't deserve to be treated this way.", "They have no right to talk to me like that."
Taking deep breaths, reminding oneself of one's worth, setting boundaries, communicating assertively.
Arguing back, giving the silent treatment, avoiding the person.
Taking deep breaths, reminding oneself of one's worth, setting boundaries, communicating assertively.
Not achieving a goal, making a mistake
Disappointment, shame, self-doubt, frustration, inadequacy
"I'm a failure.", "I'll never succeed.", "I'm not good enough."
Analyzing the situation, identifying lessons learned, setting new goals, seeking support, practicing self-compassion
To give up, to avoid trying again, to self-sabotage
Procrastinating, withdrawing from challenges, engaging in self-destructive behaviors
Fear of Public Speaking
Having to speak in front of a group.
Feeling anxious, avoiding eye contact.
Anxiety, fear, self-consciousness.
To escape, to avoid the situation.
Racing heart, sweating, trembling, dry mouth.
"I'm going to mess up.", "Everyone is judging me."
Practicing relaxation techniques, preparing thoroughly, gradually exposing oneself to public speaking, seeking professional help if needed.
Avoiding public speaking opportunities, making excuses.
Practicing relaxation techniques, preparing thoroughly, gradually exposing oneself to public speaking, seeking professional help if needed.
Feeling angry
Being cut off in traffic
Rage, frustration
To retaliate
Tight muscles, clenched fists
"That person is so rude
Taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten before reacting
Honking my horn and giving the other driver the finger
Taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten before reacting
Feeling embarrassed
Receiving a negative comment from a co-worker
Shame, anger, frustration
To hide away
Hot face, sweaty palms
"I'm so stupid. I can't do anything right."
Taking a few deep breaths and reminding myself that everyone makes mistakes
Avoiding social situations
Taking a few deep breaths and reminding myself that everyone makes mistakes
Feeling jealous
Seeing a friend with a new partner
Feeling insecure
Envy, sadness
To withdraw
Aching in my heart, tightness in my throat
"Why can't I be as happy as they are? I'm not good enough."
Practicing self-compassion and reminding myself that everyone deserves to be happy
Avoiding my friend and their new partner
Practicing self-compassion and reminding myself that everyone deserves to be happy
Feeling overwhelmed
Having too many tasks to complete at work
Anxiety, stress
To give up
Racing heart, shortness of breath
"I'm never going to get everything done. I'm going to fail."
Breaking down the tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces and starting with the most important one
Lashing out at co-workers
Breaking down the tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces and starting with the most important one
Financial Stress
Worrying about money, debt, or job security
Anxiety, fear, stress, shame, insecurity
"I can't afford this.", "I'm going to lose my home.", "I'm not good with money."
Creating a budget, seeking professional help, reducing expenses, increasing income, practicing self-compassion
To avoid the problem, to seek help, to overspend
Overspending, avoiding bills, seeking financial advice, gambling
Feeling responsible for something bad, making a mistake
Shame, regret, self-blame
"I shouldn't have done that.", "It's all my fault.", "I'm a bad person."
Making amends if possible, practicing self-forgiveness, learning from the experience, seeking support from loved ones or a therapist
To make amends, to punish oneself
Apologizing, overworking, self-harm
Being discriminated against because of sexual orientation
Feeling angry, frustrated
To fight for equality
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"This isn't fair."
Channel anger into constructive action, support LGBTQ+ rights causes
Speaking out, supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Channel anger into constructive action, support LGBTQ+ rights causes
Receiving a diagnosis of a serious illness
Feeling scared, uncertain
Fear, anxiety
To seek treatment
Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea
"I'm going to die."
Focus on what can be controlled, seek support from loved ones
Following doctor's orders, seeking second opinions
Focus on what can be controlled, seek support from loved ones
Witnessing discrimination
Feeling angry, frustrated
To fight for justice
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"This isn't fair."
Channel anger into constructive action, support social justice causes
Protesting, speaking out
Channel anger into constructive action, support social justice causes
Job insecurity
Fear of losing one's job
Feeling anxious, stressed
To work harder
Increased heart rate, sweaty palms
"I'm going to be fired."
Talk to a manager, update
Overworking, neglecting personal life
Talk to a manager, update
Moving to a new city
Feeling isolated
Sadness, emptiness
To withdraw
Aching in chest, crying
"I don't belong here."
Reach out to others, join a club or group
Avoiding social activities
Reach out to others, join a club or group
Death of a loved one
Grieving, feeling empty
Sadness, grief
To withdraw
Tightness in chest, crying, loss of appetite
"I'll never be the same."
Seek support from loved ones, talk to a therapist, allow time to grieve
Isolating oneself, neglecting responsibilities
Seek support from loved ones, talk to a therapist, allow time to grieve
Negative Self-Talk
Engaging in self-criticism, negative thoughts about oneself.
Feeling down, withdrawing, self-sabotage.
Self-doubt, shame, low self-esteem.
To self-harm, to isolate oneself.
Feeling of heaviness, low energy, lack of motivation.
"I'm worthless.", "I'll never be good enough."
Challenging negative thoughts, practicing self-compassion, seeking support from loved ones or a therapist.
Engaging in self-destructive behaviors, avoiding social interaction.
Challenging negative thoughts, practicing self-compassion, seeking support from loved ones or a therapist.
Experiencing chronic pain
Feeling frustrated, hopeless
To escape
Muscle tension, fatigue
"I can't live like this."
Seek professional help, practice pain management techniques
Isolating oneself, substance abuse
Seek professional help, practice pain management techniques
Physical Pain
Injury, illness, chronic pain.
Wincing, crying, expressing frustration.
Pain, discomfort, frustration, anger.
To escape the pain, to seek relief.
Sharp or throbbing sensations, tension, fatigue.
"This hurts so much.", "I can't take it anymore."
Practicing pain management techniques, seeking medical attention, finding healthy ways to cope with chronic pain.
Taking medication, resting, seeking medical attention.
Practicing pain management techniques, seeking medical attention, finding healthy ways to cope with chronic pain.
Being discriminated against because of race
Feeling angry, frustrated
To fight for equality
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"This isn't fair."
Channel anger into constructive action, support racial equality causes
Speaking out, supporting anti-racist causes
Channel anger into constructive action, support racial equality causes
Being turned down for a date
Feeling undesirable, questioning self-worth
Sadness, shame
To give up
Aching in stomach, flushed face
"I'm not good enough."
Practice self-compassion, challenge negative thoughts, engage in hobbies
Avoiding social situations
Practice self-compassion, challenge negative thoughts, engage in hobbies
Social Media Comparison
Comparing oneself to others on social media.
Feeling inadequate, envious, or depressed.
Inadequacy, envy, sadness, self-doubt.
To withdraw from social media, to seek validation.
Tightness in chest, feeling of emptiness.
"I'm not good enough.", "Everyone else has a better life than me."
Limiting social media use, focusing on one's own strengths and accomplishments, practicing gratitude.
Deactivating social media accounts, posting for validation.
Limiting social media use, focusing on one's own strengths and accomplishments, practicing gratitude.
Being discriminated against because of gender identity
Feeling angry, frustrated
To fight for equality
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"This isn't fair."
Channel anger into constructive action, support transgender rights causes
Speaking out, supporting transgender rights
Channel anger into constructive action, support transgender rights causes
Facing an unknown situation, lack of information, change
Anxiety, fear, stress, confusion
"I don't know what to do.", "What if something bad happens?", "I can't handle this."
Gathering information, focusing on what can be controlled, practicing mindfulness, seeking support, developing problem-solving skills
To seek information, to avoid the situation, to procrastinate
Gathering information, withdrawing from the situation, putting things off
Losing a job
Feeling uncertain, anxious
To give up
Increased heart rate, sweaty palms
"I'm not going to find another job."
Update resume, network, practice interviewing
Avoiding job searching, isolating oneself
Update resume, network, practice interviewing
Unmet Expectations
Things not going as planned, broken promises, disappointment.
Feeling let down, withdrawing, expressing anger.
Disappointment, frustration, sadness, anger.
To express disappointment, to withdraw.
Tightness in chest, feeling of emptiness, tears.
"I can't rely on anyone.", "Things never go my way."
Communicating expectations clearly, practicing acceptance, focusing on what can be controlled, managing expectations.
Complaining, expressing anger, avoiding the person who disappointed you.
Communicating expectations clearly, practicing acceptance, focusing on what can be controlled, managing expectations.
Loss of a significant relationship, being left alone
Anxiety, sadness, fear, insecurity, loneliness
"I'm not good enough.", "I'm always alone.", "No one wants me."
Seeking support from loved ones, therapy, journaling, self-soothing activities, building healthy relationships
To withdraw, to lash out, to seek reassurance
Isolating oneself, pushing others away, seeking constant validation
Being cut off in traffic
Yelling at the other driver
To retaliate
Increased heart rate, clenched fists
"They're such an idiot
Take a deep breath, count to 10
Road rage
Take a deep breath, count to 10
Being Ignored
Being overlooked, not acknowledged, or excluded
Sadness, anger, loneliness, insecurity, hurt
"They don't care about me.", "I'm invisible.", "I'm not important."
Communicating needs assertively, seeking validation from other sources, practicing self-worth, finding supportive relationships
To seek attention, to withdraw
Acting out, isolating oneself, seeking validation
Sitting in a long meeting
Zoning out, fidgeting
To escape
Heavy eyelids, yawning
"This is so boring."
Take a break, engage in stimulating activity
Doodling, checking phone
Take a break, engage in stimulating activity
Experiencing a new situation, transition, or unexpected event
Anxiety, fear, excitement, uncertainty, resistance
"I don't like this.", "What if I can't handle it?", "Things were better the way they were."
Gathering information, focusing on the positive, seeking support, breaking down the change into smaller steps, practicing acceptance
To resist, to adapt
Avoiding change, embracing change, seeking information
Arguing with a friend
Feeling angry, resentful
To fight
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"They don't understand me."
Take a break, listen to the other person's perspective, compromise
Yelling, name-calling
Take a break, listen to the other person's perspective, compromise
Seeing a sugary treat
Eating the treat
Pleasure, guilt
To binge
Sugar rush, stomachache
"I need this."
Distract self, drink water, eat a healthy snack
Overeating, feeling out of control
Distract self, drink water, eat a healthy snack
Receiving negative feedback
Feeling hurt, defensive
Sadness, anger
To prove them wrong
Tightness in chest, flushed face
"They're wrong about me."
Evaluate feedback objectively, focus on strengths, talk to a mentor
Working harder, seeking validation
Evaluate feedback objectively, focus on strengths, talk to a mentor
Crowded Places
Being in a crowded space, feeling claustrophobic.
Feeling anxious, wanting to leave.
Anxiety, claustrophobia, overwhelm.
To escape, to find space.
Shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, racing heart.
"I can't breathe.", "I need to get out of here."
Practicing deep breathing, grounding techniques, gradual exposure to crowded places, seeking professional help if needed.
Leaving the crowded area, finding a quiet corner.
Practicing deep breathing, grounding techniques, gradual exposure to crowded places, seeking professional help if needed.
Living with a disability
Feeling limited, frustrated
To adapt
Varies depending on disability
"I can't do what others can."
Focus on what can be done, advocate for oneself
Seeking accommodations, assistive devices
Focus on what can be done, advocate for oneself
Being treated rudely
Feeling angry, resentful
To retaliate
Clenched jaw, increased heart rate
"They don't respect me."
Assert oneself calmly, set boundaries
Being rude back, holding a grudge
Assert oneself calmly, set boundaries
Not being invited to a social event
Feeling left out, lonely
To withdraw
Aching in chest, emptiness
"I don't belong."
Reach out to friends, join a club or group
Isolating oneself
Reach out to friends, join a club or group
Losing a competition
Feeling inadequate, questioning abilities
To give up
Tightness in chest, stomachache
"I'm a failure."
Analyze what went wrong, set new goals, talk to a mentor
Avoiding similar situations
Analyze what went wrong, set new goals, talk to a mentor
Feeling Controlled
Being micromanaged, having one's autonomy restricted
Anger, frustration, resentment, helplessness, anxiety
"I can't do anything right.", "They're always telling me what to do.", "I feel trapped."
Setting boundaries, communicating assertively, seeking support, evaluating the relationship, considering ending the relationship if necessary
To rebel, to comply, to assert independence
Arguing, following orders reluctantly, setting boundaries
Feeling anxious
Being in a crowded place
Feeling panicky
Fear, helplessness
To run away
Shaking, dizziness
"I'm going to have a panic attack. I need to get out of here."
Practicing grounding techniques and focusing on my breathing
Hiding in a bathroom stall
Practicing grounding techniques and focusing on my breathing
Feeling guilty
Making a mistake at work
Apologizing profusely
Shame, remorse
To punish myself
Knot in my stomach, nausea
"I'm such a failure. I'm going to lose my job."
Forgiving myself and learning from my mistake
Overworking and not taking breaks
Forgiving myself and learning from my mistake
Feeling lonely
Being away from home for the first time
Sadness, homesickness
To isolate myself
Empty feeling in my stomach, tears
"I miss my family and friends so much. I don't belong here."
Reaching out to my family and friends for support
Spending all my time alone in my dorm room
Reaching out to my family and friends for support
Feeling sad
Thinking about a past loss
Grief, loneliness
To isolate myself
Aching in my chest, tears
"I'll never be happy again. I miss them so much."
Journaling about my feelings and memories of the person I lost
Withdrawing from friends and family
Journaling about my feelings and memories of the person I lost
Financial stress
Struggling to pay bills
Feeling anxious, overwhelmed
To escape
Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, insomnia
"I'm going to lose everything."
Create a budget, seek financial counseling, talk to creditors
Avoiding bills, substance abuse
Create a budget, seek financial counseling, talk to creditors
Lying to a friend
Feeling dishonest
To confess
Heat in face, nausea
"I'm a bad person."
Apologize to friend, make amends
Avoiding friend, self-destructive behavior
Apologize to friend, make amends
Making a mistake in front of others
Feeling embarrassed, avoiding similar situations
To hide
Heat in face, sweating
"I'm so stupid."
Practice self-compassion, remind self that everyone makes mistakes
Avoiding eye contact, apologizing profusely
Practice self-compassion, remind self that everyone makes mistakes
Experiencing unfair treatment, discrimination, or inequality
Anger, frustration, resentment, sadness, helplessness
"This isn't fair.", "I can't believe this is happening.", "They're wrong."
Channeling anger into constructive action, seeking support, practicing self-care
To fight back, to seek justice, to raise awareness
Protesting, taking legal action, speaking out
Seeing a friend with a new partner
Feeling insecure about relationship
To sabotage relationship
Aching in stomach, knot in throat
"They're better than me."
Focus on own strengths, remind self of positive qualities in relationship
Gossiping about friend, trying to sabotage relationship
Focus on own strengths, remind self of positive qualities in relationship
Being alone, feeling disconnected from others
Sadness, boredom, anxiety, emptiness, isolation
"I'm all alone.", "No one understands me.", "I don't belong."
Building meaningful relationships, finding activities that bring joy, practicing self-compassion, considering therapy or support groups
To connect with others, to withdraw
Reaching out to others, isolating oneself, engaging in solitary activities
Death of a loved one, end of a relationship, job loss
Grief, sadness, anger, guilt, numbness, shock
"I'll never be the same again.", "I can't believe they're gone.", "It's my fault."
Allowing oneself to grieve, seeking professional help if needed, finding ways to honor the memory of the loss, practicing self-care
To withdraw, to seek comfort, to hold onto memories
Isolating oneself, seeking support from others, holding onto belongings of the deceased person
Loud Noises
Sudden loud sounds, construction noise, alarms.
Jumping, covering ears, feeling startled.
Fear, anxiety, irritation.
To escape the noise, to cover ears.
Increased heart rate, tension, jumpiness.
"What was that?", "I hate this noise."
Using earplugs or noise-canceling headphones, practicing relaxation techniques, creating a quiet environment when possible.
Moving away from the noise source, covering ears with hands.
Using earplugs or noise-canceling headphones, practicing relaxation techniques, creating a quiet environment when possible.
Too many tasks to complete
Procrastinating, feeling stressed
To give up
Increased heart rate, shortness of breath
"I can't do this."
Break down tasks into smaller steps, prioritize, practice time management
Avoiding tasks, self-destructive behavior
Break down tasks into smaller steps, prioritize, practice time management
Parenting Critique
Receiving unsolicited advice or judgment about one's parenting
Anger, guilt, insecurity, frustration, defensiveness
"I'm a good parent.", "They don't know what they're talking about.", "I'm doing my best."
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Trusting one's instincts, seeking support from other parents, setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion
To defend oneself, to withdraw, to avoid the critic
Arguing, avoiding the critic, seeking support from other parents
Public Speaking
Having to speak in front of a group of people.
Stuttering, forgetting words, feeling anxious.
Anxiety, fear, self-consciousness.
To escape, to avoid the situation.
Racing heart, sweating, trembling, dry mouth.
"I'm going to mess up.", "Everyone is judging me."
Practicing relaxation techniques, preparing thoroughly, focusing on the message, seeking support.
Avoiding eye contact, rushing through the speech, freezing up.
Practicing relaxation techniques, preparing thoroughly, focusing on the message, seeking support.
Being turned down, excluded, or abandoned
Sadness, hurt, loneliness, insecurity, embarrassment
"I'm not likeable.", "No one wants me.", "I'm not good enough."
Reminding oneself of one's worth, focusing on supportive relationships, seeking new opportunities, practicing self-compassion
To withdraw, to seek approval, to avoid future rejection
Avoiding social situations, people-pleasing, isolating oneself
Being discriminated against because of gender
Feeling angry, frustrated
To fight for equality
Clenched fists, increased heart rate
"This isn't fair."
Channel anger into constructive action, support gender equality causes
Speaking out, supporting feminist causes
Channel anger into constructive action, support gender equality causes
Work overload
Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted
To escape
Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, muscle tension
"I can't handle this."
Delegate tasks, practice relaxation techniques, set boundaries
Procrastinating, neglecting responsibilities
Delegate tasks, practice relaxation techniques, set boundaries
Experiencing a traumatic event
Reliving the trauma, feeling unsafe
Fear, anxiety
To escape
Flashbacks, hypervigilance
"I'm in danger."
Seek professional help, practice grounding techniques
Avoiding reminders of the trauma, substance abuse
Seek professional help, practice grounding techniques
Working a job below one's qualifications
Feeling unfulfilled, frustrated
To find a better job
Boredom, lack of motivation
"I'm wasting my potential."
Update resume, highlight transferable skills, consider further education
Applying for jobs, networking
Update resume, highlight transferable skills, consider further education
Unhealthy Relationships
Being in a toxic or abusive relationship.
Feeling trapped, anxious, or depressed.
Fear, anxiety, sadness, low self-esteem.
To stay in the relationship, to seek help.
Feeling of unease, tension, hypervigilance.
"I can't leave.", "I deserve this."
Seeking professional help, creating a safety plan, leaving the abusive relationship.
Staying in the abusive relationship, reaching out to a trusted friend or helpline.
Seeking professional help, creating a safety plan, leaving the abusive relationship.