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Activism Fatigue


Burnout, Secondary traumatic stress

sleep disturbances, headaches,
digestive problems, weakened immune system.



Feeling isolated and separated from others, a sense of not belonging.

Social isolation, difficulty connecting with others, low mood.



A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome

Rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling

Attachment Issues


Difficulty forming or maintaining healthy relationships

Difficulty trusting others, fear of intimacy, relationship problems

Avoidant Personality Disorder


Personality Disorder

Avoidance of social situations, withdrawal, isolation.



A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress

Fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, weakened immune system

Chronic Anguish


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

Worrying, rumination, avoidance, withdrawal.

Chronic Sadness


Persistent feelings of sadness, even without a clear reason

Fatigue, sleep problems, appetite changes



Attachment issue

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Cognitive Dissonance


Psychological discomfort

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Conflict Avoidance


The active evasion of disagreements or confrontation.

Muscle tension, headaches, digestive problems

Coping with Infertility


Grief, Stress

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Coping with Unemployment


Stress, Financial anxiety

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.



Communication style

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and strained relationships.



A persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes

Difficulty Trusting Others


A lack of faith or belief in the reliability, honesty, and intentions of others

Headaches, stomach problems, difficulty sleeping

Dissociative Disorders


Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Dissociative Amnesia, Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder 3

Dissociation, amnesia, identity alteration.

Emotional Dysregulation


Difficulty managing emotions

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and physical health problems.

Emotional Issue



Physical Symptoms

Emotional Overdependence on Technology


Addiction, Attachment issues

Eye strain, headaches, sleep disturbances, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Emotional Turmoil


Emotional distress

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and physical health problems.

Existential Crisis


A period of questioning the meaning and purpose of life, often accompanied by anxiety and despair.

Sleep disturbances, appetite changes, difficulty concentrating, anxiety symptoms.

Fear of Abandonment


Intense fear of being left alone or rejected by loved ones

Anxiety, panic attacks, depression

Fear of Being Judged


Fear of being evaluated or criticized by others, or feeling inadequate or unworthy

Increased heart rate, sweating, blushing, trembling

Fear of Commitment



May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Fear of Success



Procrastination, self-sabotage, perfectionism, avoidance of challenges.

Fear of intimacy


Intense fear of closeness and connection with others leading to avoidance of relationships or emotional vulnerability

Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, muscle tension, headaches, digestive issues

Feeling Stuck


A sense of being trapped or unable to move forward, often accompanied by frustration and lack of direction.

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, muscle tension, digestive problems.



Deep sorrow, especially caused by someone's death

Sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, fatigue



Anger, Aggression

Increased heart rate, muscle tension, headaches, difficulty sleeping.

Imposter Syndrome


A persistent feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy despite evidence of success

Stress, anxiety, low self-esteem



Difficulty making decisions, often due to fear of making the wrong choice or a lack of confidence.

Headaches, muscle tension, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating.

Internalized Oppression


Self-esteem, Social justice

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Lack of Motivation


A feeling of disinterest, apathy, or unwillingness to take action

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite

Low Self-Esteem


A negative view of oneself, feeling unworthy or inadequate

Low energy, social isolation

Mood Swings


Rapid and extreme shifts in mood, energy, and behavior.

Fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances

Negative Body Image


A preoccupation with one's physical appearance, often leading to feelings of inadequacy and shame.

Fatigue, headaches, stomach problems, skin problems.




May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to sadness or a sense of dissatisfaction with the present.



Stress response

Headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, sleep disturbances, digestive problems.



Anxiety disorder

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.



Excessive desire to please others, often at the expense of one's own needs and well-being

Stress, exhaustion, resentment

Personality Disorders


Mental health condition

A wide range of defense mechanisms, including splitting, projection, denial, acting out.

Relationship Issues


Conflicts, misunderstandings, or dissatisfaction within a relationship

Sleep problems, anxiety, loss of appetite

Ruminating Thoughts


Anxiety, Depression, OCD

Mental avoidance, distraction, compulsive behaviors.



Deliberate injury to oneself

Cuts, burns, bruises, scars



A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior

Social anxiety, low self-esteem, depression

Social Anxiety


Intense fear of social situations, leading to avoidance and distress

Blushing, sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat

Social Withdrawal


Social anxiety, Depression

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and negatively impact overall health.

Stress from Caregiving


The physical, emotional, and financial burden of caring for a loved one who is ill, disabled, or elderly.

Fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and sleep problems.



Psychological issue

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Addictive Behaviors


Compulsive engagement in activities despite negative consequences

Physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms, financial problems

Anger Management Issues


Difficulty controlling anger, expressing it in unhealthy ways

Increased heart rate, muscle tension, headaches

Attachment Disorder


Mental health condition

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and relationship problems.

Avoidance of Conflict


Conflict avoidance

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Broken Trust


Relational issue

Withdrawal, avoidance, hostility, difficulty forming new relationships.

Burnout in Education


Academic burnout

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, digestive problems, weakened immune system, difficulty concentrating.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)


Medical condition with psychological impact

Withdrawal, avoidance of activities, focusing on limitations.

Chronic Worry


Excessive and persistent worrying accompanied by physical symptoms and difficulty controlling the worry

Headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, stomach problems



Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, often involving enabling behaviors

Stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion

Comparative Self-Worth


Low self-esteem, Social comparison

Social comparison, perfectionism, boasting, putting others down.

Coping with Change Difficulty


Difficulty adapting to new situations or changes in life

Muscle tension, Headaches, Sleep disturbances

Coping with Rejection


Emotional pain

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Cynicism and Distrust


Negative worldview

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and strained relationships.

Dependency Issues


Codependency, Substance Dependence

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety; substance dependence can have a range of physical effects.



Depression, Hopelessness

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, changes in weight, physical pain.

Dissatisfaction with Career Path


Career dissatisfaction

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and burnout.



A lack of confidence or belief in others, often accompanied by suspicion and skepticism.

Social isolation, difficulty forming relationships, conflict in relationships, hypervigilance, anxiety symptoms.

Emotional Exhaustion


State of feeling emotionally drained and depleted

Fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, digestive issues

Emotional Numbness


Inability to feel or express emotions

Fatigue, sleep problems, lack of motivation

Emotional Resilience Issues


The ability to cope with stress, adversity, and difficult emotions

Fatigue, sleep problems, headaches

Environmental Anxiety



May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.

Expressing Emotions


Difficulty or discomfort in expressing one's feelings

Tightness in chest, Stomach upset, Social withdrawal

Fear of Being Alone



Clinginess, avoidance of being alone, constant seeking of reassurance, dependence on others.

Fear of Change



Avoidance, procrastination, denial, resistance.

Fear of Disconnection


Anxiety, Attachment issues

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Fear of Vulnerability


Anxiety, Insecurity

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Feeling Overwhelmed


State of being unable to cope with emotional or mental stress

Rapid heartbeat, sweating, difficulty breathing, muscle tension



Emotional response

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and tension.



A feeling of responsibility or remorse for having done something wrong

Sleep problems, anxiety, low self-esteem

Identity Crisis


A period of uncertainty and confusion about one's sense of self

Anxiety, depression, sleep problems

Inability to Forgive Oneself


Guilt, Shame

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.



Feeling of inadequacy, inferiority, or self-doubt

Muscle tension, headaches, stomach problems



Feeling resentment, envy, or insecurity towards someone due to their perceived advantage

Anxiety, sleep problems, irritability

Loss of Motivation


Lack of desire or willingness to take action, feeling apathetic and disengaged.

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, lack of energy, disinterest in activities.

Manipulative Behavior


Personality Disorders (e.g., Narcissistic PD, Borderline PD, Antisocial PD)

Manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, playing the victim.

Mourning for a Past Life


Grief, Nostalgia

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to sadness and low mood.

Negative Thinking Patterns


Persistent thoughts that are pessimistic, self-critical, or cynical.

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, muscle tension, digestive problems, weakened immune system.



Excessive and repetitive thoughts about a situation or problem

Sleep problems, fatigue, difficulty concentrating

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)


A mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event

Sleep disturbances, nightmares, flashbacks, hypervigilance, irritability

Parent-Child Conflict


Family conflict

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and strained relationships.



Striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards for oneself and others

Stress, anxiety, sleep problems, burnout



A feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite

Rigid Thinking


Cognitive inflexibility

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and anxiety.



Negative self-talk

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.



Social anxiety, Depression

Withdrawal, avoidance of social situations, online interaction as a substitute for in-person connection.

Sibling Rivalry


Family conflict

May not have direct physical symptoms, but can contribute to stress and strained relationships.

Social Isolation


Social anxiety, Depression

Withdrawal, avoidance of social situations, online interaction as a substitute for in-person connection.



A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances

Headaches, muscle tension, fatigue

Stress-Induced Health Problems


Physical and mental health issues

Headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, weakened immune system, high blood pressure, heart problems.

Emotional Toolkit

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The information and resources provided by this service are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice. We are not licensed or certified mental health professionals, and our responses should not be considered a substitute for consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. By using this service, you agree to release and discharge us from any legal responsibility or liability for the outcome of your reliance on the information provided. If you are experiencing mental health issues or crises, we strongly recommend seeking the guidance of a licensed mental health professional.

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